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I'm not in Iowa, but I would go a step further: child molestation equals life without parole, no exceptions.

Of course, the definition of child molestation would have to be pretty strict, such as to not include 18 year old men sleeping with 17 year old girlfriends.

Rep. David Lalk

Note: The following is an email reply I received from Rep. David Lalk after expressing my concern about Judge Cashman's sentence and the proposed change in Iowa's sex abuser sentencing guidelines. I am posting here with his permission.

Your right - I think that we need some common sense judges in our nation. His ruling was ridiculous. We passed tough legislation last year on sex predators and it looks like what the senate has makes it even tougher. I will be watching for the bill when it comes to the House. I'll try and remember to keep you posted.

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