Yesterday I took part in the Bishop Palmer's "Renewing the Vision" Event. This was the last of five such gatherings around the state. In total approximately 800 people came together to hear the bishop speak about "Making & Maturing Disciples of Jesus Christ, Developing Leaders, and Transforming the World."
Much of the day was spent in small groups discussing a series of "Why" questions; Why Jesus?, Why the Church?, Why the United Methodist Church?, Why Your Local Church?"
The group I was in consisted of five clergy. I was really quite amazed that when we talked about "Why Jesus?" there was, at least within our group, a consensus that Jesus is the only way to the Father. I guess I didn't really expect that. So many UM clergy preach a message of unbiblical inclusiveness, I thought for sure that I'd hear something along the lines of "Jesus is a great way to know God, but not the only way." And I'm sure had I been sitting with certain people who were present, that's exactly what I would have heard.
I believe in the inclusive message of the cross, "God so loved the world." Salvation is not just for a chosen few who were predestined to be saved. However, that doesn't mean every person will experience the saving grace of Christ and receive eternal life. Only those who confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead will be saved (Romans 10:9).
It is up to those who have made that confession and who hold that belief to insure that others hear the message of Jesus and as Wesley put it, "are saved from the wrath that is to come." I thank God we have a Bishop who believes this and is willing to proclaim it.