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Great point, great post!


Perhaps mandatory sentencing for certain sex crimes would help. We could take sentencing options out of the hands of judges.

Greg Hazelrig

Good post and also a good point John. I like the idea of mandatory sentencing for certain sex crimes.

Sheesh. Does this guy not watch Law and Order SVU? He'd see what these guys can do. And I've seen what these guys can do to a child.


The problem with mandatory sentencing for sex offenders is that you end up with 18 year old guys who slept with their 17 year old girl friends, getting charged by the parents and then sent to prison for 10 years and have their name sent to all the neighbors as a "sex offender" for the rest of their lives...

John B

I don't know of any mandatory sentencing laws that would throw an 18 yr. old in jail for having sex with her 17 yr. old boyfriend. Every "Jessica Law" that I'm aware of apply to children 12 & under.


ah yes, my post was intentionally exaggerated to drive home my point: the whole reason for having a judge is because each situation is unique and the judge (in THEORY) will be able to do what is most Just in any given situation in a way that a broad mandatory sentencing law cannot. The problem comes when judges themselves prove to be unjust...

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