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i'm convinced of the same as well. my brother came and did a little presentation for our youth group. one of the things that struck me was that he said that we are not 'rebuilding' Iraq. but that we are actually 'building' Iraq. he went on to say that only in the palaces and places of saddam's pleasing was money put into making it more than a third world county. many of the towns he had pictures from had sewage running through the streets because there had never been an attempt to put in plumbing.

i like how this show addressed the fear. in reading 'between two worlds' a woman's account in the family circle (but not immediate family) of saddam she discribes many accounts where families would be in fear of saying what was on their mind as many houses were bugged and siblings & spouses were known to turn each other into the authorities for undermining the govt. thus put to death.

it takes generations to grow from that type of fear. people over there are still afraid of each other, the people down the street, the neighbors, us, and the other tribes of people. no wonder their democratic process takes so long. we should be patient, or atleast understanding that this will take longer than anyone these days really wants to put in the time

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