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Jeff Edmondson

John, you have hit the nail on the head. I said it in my last comment regarding preaching styles. Story moves people. 3-point sermons don't. You have proved the point yourself by people's reaction to your portrayal of Peter. Take a clue from your congregant's reaction. They will be moved when you engage them in the richness of the biblical Story, and the meanings behind why things happen they way they did. People want to know what happened any why. That's why "reality" TV is so absurdly popular these days. It is real-life people, not some fictional character. And good reality tv gives the insites as to why they reacted the way they did. It involves the audience in the show by giving them the inside scoop. Sounds like your portrayal of Peter was good preaching, and I doubt you delivered it in the form of a 3-point message.

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