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It may be too late for thsi already, but here are a few things. You know the fruits which faith bears.If you can find one or even two then you can point to those and be honest with the people. You can then remind people that all God wants from us is our deisre to know and be known, which produces such fruits and assures of us the salvation offered in Christ Jesus.

Richard Hall

When I was in theological college I was given some good advice about preparing a funeral address: "The only thing you can say with certainty about anyone is that they were a sinner in need of God's mercy".
My approach is always to be honest and to commend the deceased to the grace and mercy of God.

The Rev. Tim Sisk

I'm curious as to what obligated you to do the funeral anyway. Are you in ministry to the family of the deceased?


Just preach Christ. I don't think a funeral is the time to lay the "truth" on the family of the deceased unless you want them to spend the rest of their days - and perhaps a lot of sleepless nights - wondering if their loved one is eternally condemned.

You had the message right: God is merciful. If we cannot believe that, then we cannot believe in or preach redemption. He alone is the Judge; let Him make that call for the deceased.

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