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Joe Pritchett


The Scripture describes death as an enemy. It is a very unnatural thing to embrace our enemy--not that it can't happen, just that it isn't natural. So it isn't surprising that you would have unease when contemplating a shortened mortal life. There is so much in this world to live for. Heaven is hard for us to get our arms around, so we are nervous about leaving what we know for that which we can't fully comprehend.

You're a pastor. I would hope that as a pastor you will struggle and wrestle with these feelings so that you can walk alongside your people when similar struggles come their way. Pastors are not immune from their humanity.

I hope you're around for a good many years. But which of us knows if that will be our lot? Still, God instills hope for the next five years, the next 50 years and beyond.

Peace of Christ.

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