I've never had the delusion that my blog would be wildly popular within the Methodoblogsphere. I'm not nearly as profound as revmommy, or as witty as John the Methodist, or as in tune as Beth Quick or as emergent as Gavin Richardson. I don't have what it takes to be like one of the many other UM bloggers who draw crowds of people to their site everyday.
So I have to admit that I thought it was pretty cool when my site counter topped 10,000 hits a couple of days ago. I've been around for longer than the majority of Methodist bloggers, I've been writing for more than a year and a half. That indicates the explosive growth of the Methodoblogsphere.
Anyway, here's my question for today. At what point do we cross the line between feeling positive about our accomplishments (which is a good thing) and becoming prideful (which is a bad thing)? Is it okay for me to be happy that I've reached this milestone, but I should keep it to myself? Is that where the difference lies? Jesus said that when we do good we are not to let our left hand know what our right hand is doing (Matthew 6:3). Jesus also said to let our light shine before people so that they see the good we do and give glory to God (Matthew 5:16).
To say that the difference is simply found in whether or not we're trying to glorify God or self, seems too easy of an answer to me. I'm not so self-aware that I can always tell whether I'm doing something for God or for myself. I'd like to think that what I do I do for God, but I know that as a human being I am not always motivated by godly intentions. I also know I have a profound capacity to persuade myself that I have only God's interest in mind.
What I find myself doing as I think about these 10,000 hits, is raising one hand in praise to God, while patting myself on the back with the other. And somehow I just don't think that's the right response.
Nonsense. You have an excellent blog. And I find it relieving to pull up your URL and read orthodoxy. It can be so rare at times, but it is always refreshing.
Posted by: John | December 05, 2006 at 08:21 PM