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I share some of your frustration with the Igniting Minstries stuff. However, the purpose of the ads is not to necessarily present the gospel. Rather it is to present an image of the UMC to peak the curiosity of seekers so that they'll consider visiting one of our congregations. It's left up the congregation to take it from there.

Mark Winter

Did this ad come from Nashville or a group of Zen Buddhists?

Greg Hazelrig

Wow, I thought I responded yesterday here. I must have really been in a daze.

Anywho, I think the ad is just like the rest of them have been. Ads that say nothing and probably don't do much to attract folks.

The other thing that I thought I said when I thought I responded yesterday was to say thank you for your response over on my blog. It meant a lot to me and I am doing much better than I was a few days ago.

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