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John Meunier

Making friends sounds much better.

Good post. I don't know why so many of us feel embarassed about our friend Jesus. We don't talk about him much with our other friends.

Mark Winter

I'll have to chew on that one for a while. Jesus shared plenty of illustrations that insinuated we were his servants (see Luke 17:7-10, for instance). In this frenetic society of ours where we can quit or move anytime we want, the idea of faithful servanthood is a needed corrective.

You do make a good point, however. At the very least, we are not mistreated or oppressed servants. Those who yoke themselves to Jesus are truly his friends and free, indeed.

You're making my brain work and I haven't even got to my 2nd cup of coffee yet!


making friends, for sure...but lets be careful that we're not just substituting one evangelism program for another...if "making friends" with someone is conditioned upon leading that friend to our doctrines, then its not very genuine, and it's still prostel...however you spell it...why can't we become better friends to people by serving unconditionally? through acts of love we'll display the very heart of Jesus and His gospel without saying a word...i've shortened the phrase from my tres dias weekend to "BE a friend"...by and large people have lost the fine art of friendship, as followers of Christ, let's take that to a high art form and model it for the world around us

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