Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world. Through his death and resurrection all people have the opportunity to be made right with God. But that doesn't happen without our help, without our cooperation. God doesn't force anyone to be saved from their sins. God's love and respect for His creation is so great that while it is God's greatest desire that all be saved, God knows some will not be because they refuse to accept the gift of salvation. The gift of forgiven is offered to all by the One who has the power to give it. Like all true gifts, this one to may be accepted or rejected. Therein lies our great power. While it is God's will that all be saved, human beings have within themselves the power to thwart God's will.
John Wesley put it this way:
If you ask, Why then are not all men saved? First, not because of any decree of God, not because it is his pleasure they should die. Whatever be the cause of their perishing, it cannot be his will, if the oracles of God are true, for they declare, “He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." Secondly, what is the cause why all men are not save, namely, they will not be saved. So our Lord expressly, "Ye will not come unto me that ye may have life" (John 5:40). The power of the Lord is present to heal them, but they will not be healed. (The Works of John Wesley VII, p. 381)
This is both good news and bad. The good news is that everyone everywhere can be rescued from the wrath that is to come. The bad news is not everyone will be. It is up to each individual to decide for him or herself which it will be themselves.
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