A couple of weeks ago the Missouri Information Analysis Center released a report to law enforcement agencies across the state that tells local officials how to identify potential anti-governmental militants. My father who lives in Missouri first alerted me to this report. In brief it states that Ron Paul and Bob Barr supporters, people who have knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, and people who display political bumper stickers are potential domestic terrorists. Other possible signs someone may be a domestic terrorist include people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag. These individuals are equated with radical race hate groups and terrorists. I guess that means that because I voted for Bob Barr and claim to be a member of the Libertarian Party on FaceBook, I'm among the potential terrorists.
Missouri Governor, Jay Nixon originally defended the report, but has since repudiated and withdrawal it. So I thought maybe I was off the government's watch list. Then this week, the Homeland Security Agency releases their own report on what to watch for when it comes to potential terrorist. Among others, people who are red flagged are returning veterans and pro-lifers. Thus far, governmental officials continue to stand by this report. While I'm not a vet, I am a die hard supporter of the right to life and have made my beliefs known through this blog. I guess I shouldn't have done that, after all Big Brother is watching.
I say all these things sort of tongue in cheek and don't want to anyone think that I'm caught up in some kind of conspiracy theories. On the other hand, when the government starts naming names of opposition party members and their supporters as people to be watched, it does make me a bit paranoid. History has shown us and continues to show us what governments are capable of doing to their citizens who don't agree with their leaders. Anybody remember anything about McCarthyism?